Contact me

 Twitter (X) wendymoore99


I give regular talks at various events. If you would like me to speak to your organisation please email 


Forthcoming and ongoing events


Events for 2025



5 February: 6.30pm - I'm giving a talk on my latest book JACK AND EVE at the Imperial War Museum, London, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the lifting of the ban on gay people in the armed services. Details here.  




22 February: 2-3pm - I'm speaking at North Kensington Library on my book JACK AND EVE as part of Serbian Culture Month. Free. Book here.


27 February: 6.45-7.45pm - I'm giving a talk on JACK AND EVE at Stratford Library, London E15, as part of LGBTQ History Month. Book here.


1 April: - 12 noon - I'm speaking on JACK AND EVE at Oxford Literary Festival. Book here





Catch up talks



My talk on JACK AND EVE at the LSE, hosted by the Women's Library, 16 May - video available here


Interview with Lucinda Hawksley for the Goldster Book Club about the women of Endell Street and my next book Jack and Eve. Catch up here.


Talking to Dr Brandy Shillace about The Knife Man and my other books for the Peculiar Book Club. Catch up here.


Royal College of Physicians, talk on Endell Street Military Hospital. Catch up here.


Virtual talk on my book ENDELL STREET: THE WOMEN WHO RAN BRITAIN'S TRAILBLAZING MILITARY HOSPITAL for Benjamin Franklin House Museum - On YouTube here 


Q and A for Ben's Book Club at Benjamin Franklin House on my first book, THE KNIFE MAN, my biography of 18th-century surgeon John Hunter.  Catch up here.




The Elthamread

I am involved in running the Elthamread, an initiative aimed at encouraging people living in SE9 to read the same book each year in October and come together to talk about it. 

More information at


Past events



Exhibition - Stubbs and the Wild at the Holburne Museum, Bath

The exhibition has now closed but you can still hear my podcast on Stubbs's picture of The Moose

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© Wendy Moore